
Active since 2016

The Van Leer Foundation began building partnerships in Jordan in 2016 to support displaced families in the region. In 2021, we opened a country office that brings an early years focus into policies, public spaces and services in Jordan. Currently, early childhood services in Jordan remain fragmented, with government responsibility split across several ministries – health, social development and education.

We are dedicated to advancing our support for early childhood development policies, actively coordinating efforts and staying well informed about the evolving landscape across various ministries. This commitment ensures that we remain at the forefront of policy innovation and implementation.


Jordan at a glance
11.3 million
People live in Jordan
Children from birth to age 5
Women receive postnatal care 2 days after giving birth
Children attend formal early childhood education

We choose to invest in parent coaching and support to encourage more positive interactions between parents and children and between professionals and parents. To strengthen behaviour change interventions in the country, we work closely with the Queen Rania Foundation who bring rigorous and evidence-based behavioural science approaches into our programmes with government partners.

We also aim to encourage positive caregiving behaviours in outdoor spaces but recognise that many children and caregivers in Jordan’s urban areas spend much of their time indoors – in homes, nurseries, restaurants and shopping centres due to air pollution, heat and a lack of suitable public spaces for families.



Urban95 in Jordan

To make cities in Jordan healthier, safer and more accessible for young children and their caregivers, we began implementing our Urban95 programme with the Municipality of Irbid with support from out technical partner and Civic Majlisna for Societal Development. Over the next two years Irbid will transform key public spaces in the city including creating family hubs within parks. This will create opportunities for connection, play and support for families living in Irbid.

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Cutting across all of our work with diverse partners is our goal to raise awareness of the need to invest more comprehensively in a range of early years interventions. To embed this approach, we are also collaborating with different government and national stakeholders to create effective governance and policy coordination across all sectors and levels of government. 


Knowledge from Jordan
Guide Proximity of Care Design Guide
This design guide offers a practical online tool to support cost-effective design and implementation of child and family-friendly urban spaces.
Report Parental Behaviour in the Early Years: Phase 2
A two-phase study that aims to support the Ministry of Education (MoE) and other stakeholders in their efforts to change parenting behaviours…
Report Increasing Caregivers’ Application of Learnings
This report summarises insights and learnings from the First Steps Big Step parenting program in Jordan and tests the effectiveness of two…