Publication ECM124 A Good Start
HomeStoriesNew issue of Early Childhood Matters surveys the early childhood field
HomeStoriesNew issue of Early Childhood Matters surveys the early childhood field

New issue of Early Childhood Matters surveys the early childhood field

Published today, the latest edition of Early Childhood Matters is a special issue to mark the 50th anniversary of the Bernard van Leer Foundation’s first grant in early childhood. A comprehensive look at the current state of the early childhood field and future priorities, A good start: advances in early childhood development it includes contributions from experts on subjects including brain science, nutrition, home visiting, parent support, pre-primary, fatherhood, emergency contexts, children with disabilities, measurement and leadership.

Publication ECM124 A Good Start

Published today, the latest edition of Early Childhood Matters is a special issue to mark the 50th anniversary of the Bernard van Leer Foundation’s first grant in early childhood. A comprehensive look at the current state of the early childhood field and future priorities, A good start: advances in early childhood development it includes contributions from experts on subjects including brain science, nutrition, home visiting, parent support, pre-primary, fatherhood, emergency contexts, children with disabilities, measurement and leadership.

You can download the pdf, read online on or order a free printed copy.