Early Childhood in Focus

Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: The Right to Play
This ninth edition in the series focuses on children’s right to play, from its function in their development to the implications of…
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Healthy Environments
This eighth edition in the series draws attention to the child’s physical environment, exploring urban environments as well as spaces designed specifically…
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Developing Brains
This seventh edition in the series introduces the language and world of neuroscience and developmental psychology.
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Culture and Learning
This sixth edition in the series expands on how to promote development and learning while respecting and supporting cultural diversities.
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Supporting Parenting
This fifth edition in the series addresses important questions around parenting support programmes in the context of early childhood.
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Effective Programmes
This fourth edition in the series looks at the policy issues surrounding early childhood education and care programmes.
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Developing Positive Identities
This third edition in the series zooms into identity construction, diversity and developing positive identities early on.
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Primary Education
This second edition in the series focuses on transitions in the lives of young children, particularly around early childhood education and care.
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Attachment Relationships
This first edition in the series focuses on attachment relationships and the quality of care for young children.